Altar Servers
Boys and girls, third grade and older, prepare the altar and assist the celebrant of the Mass.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Assist in administering the Body and Blood of Christ to the church community at weekend Masses. Scheduled approximately seven weeks in advance, we strive to honor Mass preferences but ask Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers to find a substitute or to swap scheduled times in the event they cannot honor the assigned schedule. Some also take communion to shut-ins at home, in nursing homes or the hospital.

Proclaim the Word of God to the congregation on weekday and weekend Masses. Training is available and schedules are sent out approximately seven weeks in advance, we strive to honor Mass preferences. Lectors are asked to find a substitute or to swap scheduled times in the event they cannot honor the assigned schedule. Husband/Wife teams are encouraged.
Adult Choir: Includes people of all ages that sing at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, Holy Days and upon request. The choir practices in the Church each Tuesday at 6:30 pm.
Children’s Choir: Open to all children grades PreK4-6. The Children’s Choir sings at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Mass every other week during the school year. The children rehearse every Tuesday (first Tuesday after Labor Day through May) from 3:20 to 4:15 p.m. in the Church. Rehearsals are mandatory. Pickup for children in choir practice is at 4:15 p.m. at the side door of the Church on Calhoun Avenue.

Help seat people prior to Mass, assist as needed during Mass and take up all scheduled collections.