With FORMED, you will be able to stream hundreds of hours of inspiring movies and video series, read bestselling Catholic eBooks, and listen to audio presentations from the Church’s most compelling speakers and is available from virtually any device…anytime, anywhere. Don’t have the App or FORMED yet? If you have either an iPhone or Android smart phone you can download the App by texting App to phone number 55321, or by visiting myparishapp.com. To gain access to FORMED – go to the website at www.formed.org and enter our Parish Code f1f5a9 (case sensitive) on the homepage, create an account with your user name/email and password.

myParish App
We saw a growing need for parishes to have a mobile presence. The ability for a parish to connect well with their parishioners throughout the week is invaluable. We took deliberate steps when creating myParish App. Everything in the app has one goal in mind; help Catholics orient their daily life towards Christ. Explore our app to see why myParish has become the leading app for Catholic parishes.